Do You Love Bundt Cakes? Who doesn’t… specially a delicious Healthy Lemon Bundt Cake. Bundt Cakes are one of my all time favorite type of dessert simply because of how moist and nutrient dense they can be.
This cute healthy lemon bundt cake is gluten-free, refined sugar free and optional dairy free with a very deep lemon flavour!!
This healthy lemon bundt cake is made in a 10inches/25cm bundt cake mold, so it’s pretty big! Be sure to check you have the same mold to follow those quantities. If the mold is smaller, just divide the portions into half.
I LOVE how this lemon bundt cake turned out! It’s quite big so it can last me all week long pretty much. What I usually do in this case is slice it completely and freeze up all the portions. I found long time ago it is actually a great idea, don’t you think? Because think about it… if you know you’re going to be all day away of home and you pack your own food for the day, why not taking your own healthy desserts with you also?
So this healthy lemon bundt cake is made with rice flour and almond flour. It has a little more carbohydrate content than my usual healthy dessert recipes but since it’s a big bundt cake, 2 cups of rice flour are not that much on each portion, so let me tell you this healthy cake won’t be a danger to your blood sugar levels during stable conditions (unless you are experiencing a hyperglycaemia).
Same happens with the healthy fats and the coconut sugar content. Our suggestion is to always make sure your sugar levels are stable when you snack on this healthy lemon bundt cake, about 80-115 mg/dL approximately.
Author - Lucía
Prep Time - 15 minutes
Cook Time - 45 minutes
Ready in - 1h
Servings - 24 thin slices
If you cut into 24 thin slices, each slice will have the following nutritional value:
2.6gr protein
9.5gr net carbs
0.7gr fiber
3.5gr sugar
9.1gr fat
2 cups or 180gr of rice flour or oat flour
1 cup or 85gr of almond flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt
80gr of coconut sugar
80gr erythritol or sweetener of choice (no stevia)
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
4 organic eggs
90gr of grass-fed butter or coconut oil
180ml of heavy cream or coconut cream or canned coconut milk
4 tablespoons of lemon juice
2 tablespoons of lemon zest (1 lemon)
2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
Preheat oven at 325F/160C. Grease a 10inches/25cm bundt cake mold with butter/oil.
In a bowl, mix the rice flour, almond flour, coconut sugar, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Set aside.
In another bowl beat the butter/oil with vanilla extract, lemom zest and lemon juice and cream until fully combined. Add the eggs one by one and after that add it into the previous mix.
Add the poppy seeds and pour the batter into the mold.
Bake 50 minutes, let it cool 20 minutes inside the mold and remove from the mold afterwards.
You can make a quick chocolate ganache to pour on top or just sprinkle some powdered sweetener on top!
* Store the bundt cake in an airtight container at room temperature. You can keep it in the fridge or cut it into pieces and freeze them.
Did you make this recipe?
Please let me know how it turned out for you! Leave a comment below and share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #yourdailynutrients and send me a DM so I can see you and share!
Thanks so much!
🇪🇸 Spanish:
Delicioso bundt cake de limón sin gluten, sin lácteos ni azúcares refinados!
He usado un molde de 25cm de diámetro, así que es bastante grande! Si tenéis uno más pequeño, dividir las porciones en la mitad. En caso de querer usar las mismas porciones que he escrito pero con un molde más pequeño, podéis poner el relleno en dos moldes separados.
Autora - Lucía
Preparación - 15 minutos
Horno - 45 minutos
Listo en - 1h
Porción - 24 trozos pequeños
Si cortas en 24 trozos pequeños, cada trozo tendrá el siguiente valor nutricional:
2.6gr proteína
9.5gr carbs netos
0.7gr fibra
3.5gr azúcares
9.1gr grasas
2 tazas o 180gr de harina de arroz integral
1 taza o 85gr de harina de almendra
2 cucharaditas de levadura en polvo
1 cucharadita de bicarbonato sódico
1/2 cucharadita de sal rosa del Himalaya
180ml de crema de coco, leche de coco en lata (usar solo la parte sólida) o nata para montar
90gr de aceite de coco o mantequilla de vacas de pasto
80gr de azúcar de coco
80gr eritritol o azucar de coco otra vez
1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla
4 huevos ecológicos
4 cucharadas de zumo de limón
2 cucharadas de piel de limón rallada
2 cucharadas de semillas de amapola
Precalentar horno a 160C. Engrasar un molde para bund cake de 25cm con mantequilla o aceite de coco.
En un bol, mezclar harina de arroz con harina de almendra, azúcar de coco, sal, levadura y bicarbonato sódico. Reservar.
En otro bol, batir la mantequilla/aceite con el extracto de vainilla, el zumo y la cáscara de limón y la crema de coco/nata. Añadir los huevos uno a uno y batir todo muy bien.
Mezclar todo junto y añadir las semillas de amapola.
Verter la mezcla en el molde y hornear 50 minutos, dejar enfriar 20 minutos en el molde y luego desmoldar y dejarlo enfriar por completo.
Puedes cubrir con ganache de chocolate o espolvorear azúcar/endulzante en polvo.
* Conservar en un recipiente hermético a temperatura ambiente o en la nevera. Podéis congelar trozos en el congelador y así los disfrutáis cuando queráis!!!
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