Hello, Friends!
Thank you so much for being here with me and sharing this amazing corner of healthy snacks and delicious sweets together!
My name is Lucia and I am a Certified Precision Nutrition Coach, passionate about food and sweets and lover of a healthy lifestyle and travel. I have always been a very active and pro fitness person, participating in triathlon competitions among other experiences and enjoying any outdoor activity.
Originally, I graduated with an Architecture Degree in Spain and also pursued a Master Degree in Yacht Design in Milan, Italy. My main profession is still architecture and design, however as I expand my knowledge and presence within the nutrition and baking industry, the more I realize how much I enjoy it and the good I can do for others. I am extremely passionate about helping people achieve a healthy lifestyle, especially those who can heal from the inside out through nutrition.
Born in Toronto (Canada) and currently living in the U.S., I come from both Italian and Argentinian families and have grown up in Barcelona (Spain), where food and sweets are always present in every social gathering. Thus, I have grown loving and enjoying them just as much as anyone, specially the sweets.
Once I acquired a much deeper understanding of how processed refined sweets that everyone loves, including myself, can negatively impact your health in a variety of ways, I started to research alternatives solutions to have tasteful and delicious sweets removing the ingredients that can create long term damage to your health and body. It wasn’t until my early 20s that my journey with healthy baking began; inspired by finding delicious and tasteful healthy snacks and sweets that would be made with ingredients that can be enjoyed every single day, no matter the time or the occasion and that can indeed nourish you!
So now you may think: How did I relate these healthy snacks and desserts with diabetes?
Well, my husband was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 4. Having seen how amazingly well his sugar levels and diabetes as a whole reacts to these types of nutrients, sweets and healthy snacks, he surely enjoys my baking treats almost daily (quick tip: always with a balanced healthy diet and introducing daily exercise to your routine is key). I will talk more about this later on in my blog.
Using low glycemic index ingredients as well as good fats, we have been able to avoid his sugar levels to spike and that has been the greatest success. This situation helped us both realize that we could find a solution to the millions of people dealing with type 1 and type 2 diabetes that have always thought sweets weren’t an option for them and their lifestyle. Therefore, I encourage anyone reading and following my blog to try out and enjoy at least one of my healthy recipes and let me know what you think :)
This is a very exciting journey for me as I am extremely happy to be here with you and help anyone become the best version of themselves while living deliciously!!!
Hola a tod@s!!
Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog donde comparto recetas sanas y deliciosas de postres!
Mi nombre es Lucía y estoy certificada como Coach Nutricional por Precision Nutrition. Soy una apasionada de la comida y los dulces y me encanta tener un estilo de vida saludable y viajar. He sido siempre una persona muy activa, desde el fitness al triatlón y disfrutando todo tipo de actividades al aire libre.
Me gradué en Arquitectura en Barcelona, España, donde he vivido casi toda mi vida! También tengo titulación Master en Diseño de Yates, en Milán, Italia. Esta es mi profesión principal de la que actualmente sigo trabajando, pero… poco a poco llega el cambio! Me encanta poder ayudar a las personas a tener un estilo de vida saludable sobretodo aquellas que pueden sanar su interior a través de la alimentación.
Nací en Toronto (Canadá) y actualmente vivo en Estados Unidos, vengo de familia Italiana y Argentina donde la comida y los dulces siempre han estado presentes, así que he crecido adorando las comilonas en familia, y especialmente los dulces!
Estudiando y leyendo sobre nutrición y como afecta la alimentación en nuestro interior, fue cuando me di cuenta como los alimentos procesados y llenos de azúcares refinados añadidos afectan tan negativamente a nuestra salud. Es por eso que empecé a investigar como poder seguir disfrutando de los dulces y que éstos estén hechos con ingredientes que nos nutran y eviten picos de azúcar en sangre y prevenir diferentes enfermedades metabólicas, como por ejemplo la diabetes.
Entonces os preguntaréis: ¿Cómo relaciono estos postres con la diabetes?
Mi marido fue diagnosticado con Diabetes Tipo 1 a la edad de 4 años. A través de mis recetas de postres hechos con ingredientes de bajo índice glucémico y grasas saludables, hemos comprobado que le sientan de maravilla! Esta situación nos ha hecho crear este blog para compartir recetas de postres nutritivos con las que ayudar a todo tipo de personas pero en especial a aquellas con diabetes, las cuales pueden pensar que los dulces no son una opción en su alimentación diaria.
Así que os animo a que leáis y probéis a hacer las recetas y estaría encantada de saber vuestra opinión para seguir mejorándolas!
Estoy súper contenta de poder compartir con vosotros este blog y poder ayudar a personas a adaptar su paladar a estos deliciosos y nutritivos postres!
A nadie le amarga un dulce!