In today’s post I am sharing with you this healthy and yummy chocolate-rich brownie! It’s a melt in your mouth kind of healthy brownie… delicious!

healthy brownie

Needless to say…it’s gluten free, refined sugar free and dairy free!!

It has double chocolate content, the cacao powder and the dark chocolate chips. I believe a healthy brownie should always have chocolate chips or chunks besides the cacao powder to make it extra rich and yummy!

healthy double chocolate brownie


This healthy double chocolate brownie is made with almond flour, coconut oil, eggs, cacao and coconut sugar. Thanks to the healthy fat content, the presence of the sugar won’t cause a spike on your blood sugar levels. However it depends on how many chocolate chips you add and of what kind. I always try to use the darkest chocolate chips possible, but it depends also on who is going to eat that brownie!

If you want to lower the sugar content on this healthy brownie, omit the dark chocolate chips or substitute with 90% chocolate chunks.

Let us know if you try it, we would love to hear your experience and what do you think about this delicious healthy brownie!

healthy double chocolate brownie

Author - Lucía
Prep - 15 minutes
Bake - 30 minutes
Ready in - 10 minutes after baking
Yield - 16 squares
Duration - 1 week or 3 months in the freezer


  • 1 & 1/2 cup or 125gr of almond flour

  • 1/2 cup or 30gr of cacao powder 100%

  • 1/4 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

  • 60gr of coconut sugar or date paste or erythritol

  • 60gr erythritol or date paste

  • 3 organic eggs

  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips (preferably sugar-free)

  • 50gr of coconut oil (melted) or grass-fed butter


  1. Pre-heat oven at 350F/175C.

  2. Mix together almond flour, cacao powder, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Set aside.

  3. On a separate bowl, melt the oil and mix well with the eggs, coconut sugar/erythritol and vanilla.

  4. Pour the dry ingredients (step 2) into the wet ingredients (from previous step) and mix until fully incorporated.

  5. Add the dark chocolate chips to the dough, mix and place the batter into a baking square mould.

  6. Bake for 30 minutes and allow to cool on a rack.

* Store in an air tight container at room temperature. I don’t know how many days it would last, but it’s so yummy than you will eat it in 2 days!

Did you make this recipe?

Please let me know how it turned out for you! Leave a comment below and share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #yourdailynutrients and send me a DM so I can see you and share!

Thanks so much!

🇪🇸 Spanish:

Delicioso brownie saludable. DOBLE CHOCOLATE. Lleva cacao en polvo y además pepitas de chocolate negro. Está delicioso, podéis observar la buena pinta que tiene en las fotos…!!

Este delicioso brownie no tiene gluten, ni lácteos ni azúcares refinados!

Es una receta fácil y rápida!

Autora - Lucía
Preparación - 15 minutos
Horno - 30 minutos
Porción - 16 porciones cuadradas
Conservación - 1 semana o 3 meses en congelador


  • 1 & 1/2 tazas o 125gr de harina de almendra

  • 1/2 taza o 30gr de cacao en polvo 100%

  • 1/4 cucharadita de sal rosa del Himalaya

  • 1/2 cucharadita de levadura en polvo

  • 1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato sódico

  • 60gr de azúcar de coco o eritritol o pasta de dátiles

  • 60gr de eritritol o pasta de dátiles

  • 3 huevos ecológicos

  • 1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla

  • 1 taza de pepitas de chocolate negro (mejor si son 85% o sin azúcar)

  • 50gr de aceite de coco derretido o mantequilla de vacas alimentadas con pasto


  1. Pre calentar el horno a 175C.

  2. Mezclar la harina de almendra, el cacao, levadura, bicarbonato sódico y la sal. Reservar.

  3. En otro bol, derretir el aceite de coco y mezclar con los huevos, el azúcar de coco/eritritol y la vainilla.

  4. Verter los ingredientes secos del paso 2 en los ingredientes líquidos del paso anterior.

  5. Añadir las pepitas de chocolate negro, mezclar y verter en un molde cuadrado de unos 20cm.

  6. Hornear unos 30 minutos y dejar que se enfríe en una rejilla.

* Conservar en un recipiente hermético a temperatura ambiente. Creo que puede conservarse 1 semana, pero no lo sé porque nos lo comimos en 2 días :P !!

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¡Mil gracias!

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We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.

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