These healthy yummy dark chocolate protein balls are nutrient dense! They are made with good fats, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Besides, they’re sweetened with yacon syrup!

So what is yacon syrup? Well…. Yacon syrup is like a maple syrup or molasses in terms of consistency/color. Usually you can substitute with any syrup actually, like maple or honey.

BUT yacon syrup has a type of fiber (fructans) so a large part isn’t digested and it feeds friendly bacteria (it acts as a prebiotic)! How cool is that? There’s a completeI detailed post about yacon syrup in the Ingredients section!

healthy chocolate protein balls

These delicious healthy protein balls are naturally gluten free, refined sugar free, dairy free, Paleo and vegan!

I love protein balls, specially if they are healthy and homemade. I always have some in the fridge because they’re perfect as a snack any time of the day. I also pack some with me if I’ll be all day gone so I can enjoy my healthy sweet snack anytime I want. If they’re not stored in the fridge, they will melt a little bit, so make sure you carry them in a little tupper ware!

healthy chocolate protein balls


One of the best snacks we have for diabetics on our blog, hands down! Why?

Because these healthy protein balls are low carb, made with almond flour, protein powder and barely sweetened with yacon syrup! Yacon syrup has a very low Glycemic Index, so it won’t spike your sugar levels for sure! That’s something to celebrate, always!

You can make lots of different variations of these, even bars instead of balls!

Let us know how they turn when you make them! Would love to hear from you all!

healthy chocolate protein balls


▪️1/3 cup or 40gr of unsweetened cacao powder 100%
▪️1/4 cup or 25gr of almond flour
▪️1 scoop or 30gr of vanilla protein
▪️2 scoops or 60gr of chocolate protein
▪️1/3 cup almond butter (any nut butter works)
▪️2 tablespoons coconut oil
▪️1 tablespoon yacon syrup (any syrup works but I recommend yacon for its properties and low GI)

▪️1/3 cup or 60gr of dark chocolate chips


▫️In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together (cacao, almond flour, and protein powder). Set aside.
▫️In another bowl, melt the coconut oil and mix with the almond butter and the yacon syrup.

▫️Mix everything together until you achieve a dough consistency. Add 2 tablespoons of water if the dough is too dry or add 1-2 tablespoons of almond flour if the dough is too liquid.
▫️Add chocolate chips and shape into 1”/2cm balls and place them in the fridge! Easy!!

* Store them in an airtight container in the fridge.

! ! ! E N J O Y ! ! !

🇪🇸 Spanish:

Bolitas proteicas energéticas de chocolate con extra chocolate sin gluten, sin lácteos, sin azúcares refinados y además son veganas!

Están endulzadas con sirope de yacón, de los mejores siropes que hay, porque sus azúcares no son absorbidos por nuestro organismo por lo que se almacenan en forma de inulina y sirven de alimento a nuestras bacterias, por eso se considera un PREbiótico y por eso tiene un índice glucémico tan bajo.... perfecto para diabetes!!! Colgaré un post sobre el sirope de yacón pronto en la sección de Ingredients!


▪️1/3 taza o 40gr de cacao en polvo 100%
▪️1/4 taza o 25gr de harina de almendra
▪️1 scoop o 30gr de proteína de vainilla
▪️2 scoops o 60gr de proteína de chocolate
▪️1/3 taza mantequilla de almendra o de otro fruto seco
▪️2 cucharadas de aceite de coco
▪️1 cucharada de sirope de yacón u otro sirope
▪️1/3 taza o 60gr de pepitas de chocolate negro


▫️En un bol, mezclar el cacao, la harina de almendra y las proteínas en polvo.
▫️En otro bol, derretir el aceite de coco y añadir la mantequilla de almendra y el sirope de yacón.

▫️Mezclar todo junto hasta conseguir una consistencia de masa.
▫️Añadir pepitas de chocolate. Si la masa es demasiado espesa y no se pueden formar bolitas, añadir 2 cucharadas de agua.
▫️Hacer bolitas de 2cm y poner en la nevera!

* Conservar en un recipiente hermético en la nevera.

! ! ! D I S F R U T A D L O ! ! !

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Hello Food Lovers!We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

Hello Food Lovers!

We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.

To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

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