So moist, so delicious and so tasty!
This healthy bundt cake is special, it has an orange flavor but also a touch of ginger and turmeric.
A very interesting combination that turned out very tasty! On top of that this healthy orange bundt cake is gluten free, refined sugar free and dairy free!
I LOVE how this orange bundt cake turned out! It’s quite big so it can last me all week long pretty much. What I usually do in this case is slice it completely and freeze up all the portions. I found long time ago it is actually a great idea, don’t you think? Because think about it… if you know you’re going to be all day away of home and you pack your own food for the day, why not taking your own healthy desserts with you also?
So this healthy bundt cake is made with oat flour and almond flour. The whole bundt cake has a little more carbohydrate content than my usual healthy dessert recipes but since it’s a big bundt cake, 1 cup of oat flour is not that much on each portion, so this healthy cake won’t be a danger to your blood sugar levels during stable conditions (unless you are experiencing a hyperglycemia).
Same happens with the healthy fats and the coconut sugar content. My suggestion is to always make sure your sugar levels are stable when you snack on this healthy bundt cake, about 80-115 mg/dL approximately.
Author - Lucía
Prep - 10 minutes
Bake - 45 minutes
Ready in - 15 minutes (let it cool)
Yield - 10 portions
Duration - 1 week or freeze it 3 months
The macronutrients of this healthy bundt cake if you divide it by 10 equal portions is the following for each:
9gr protein
18gr net carbs
2.8gr fiber
9.5gr sugar
13gr fat
Plus you get all the benefits of the turmeric, ginger, carrots and the rest of the ingredients :)
200gr almond flour
80gr brown rice flour or oat flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
pinch of pink Himalayan salt
pinch of ground black pepper (to help absorbe the turmeric)
200gr shredded carrot
100ml orange juice (juice of 1 & 1/2 oranges)
Zest of 1 orange
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon ginger powder
40gr coconut oil (melted)
3 whole eggs
70gr coconut sugar
70gr erythritol (do not substitute for stevia)
Preheat oven to 350F/175C. Grease a bundt cake mold with coconut oil and some oat flour.
In a bowl, mix the almond flour, oat flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
In another bowl, mix the shredded carrots, orange juice and orange zest together. You can blend a little bit this 3 ingredients together to make even smoother (if your shredded carrots are not the thinnest ones I would blend it, but not to the liquid point, only to reduce the size of the shred).
In another big bowl, mix the eggs with the coconut oil, coconut sugar and erythritol until fully combined.
Add the ginger powder and turmeric powder and mix again.
Add the shredded carrot blend and mix.
Now add the dry ingredient mix from step 2 and mix until everything is fully combined.
Pour the batter into the mold and bake for 45 minutes.
Let it cool on its mold and serve!
* Store in an air tight container at room temperature or slice and freeze.
Did you make this recipe?
Please let me know how it turned out for you! Leave a comment below and share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #yourdailynutrients and send me a DM so I can see you and share!
Thanks so much!
🇪🇸 Spanish:
Este bundt cake de zanahoria, naranja, jengibre y cúrcuma está delicioso! Tienes que probar de hacerlo sí o sí!
No lleva gluten ni lácteos ni azúcares refinados y si divides en 10 raciones, cada ración tendrá el siguiente valor nutricional:
9gr proteína
18gr carbs netos
2.8gr fibra
9.5gr azúcar
13gr grasas
Además te llevas los beneficios de la cúrcuma, el jengibre, las zanahorias y el resto de ingredientes!
200gr harina de almendra
80gr harina de arroz integral o de avena
1 cucharada de levadura en polvo
pizca de sal rosa del Himalaya
pizca de pimienta negra molida (para ayudar a la absorción de la cúrcuma)
200gr de zanahoria rallada
100ml zumo de naranja (zumo exprimido de 1 naranja y media)
Piel rallada de 1 naranja
1 cucharadita de cúrcuma en polvo
1 cucharadita de jengibre en polvo
40gr aceite de coco (derretido)
3 huevos enteros
70gr azúcar de coco
70gr eritritol
Pre calentar el horno a 175C. Engrasar un molde de Bundt Cake con aceite de coco o mantequilla y un poco de harina de avena.
En un bol, mezclar la harina de almendra, harina de avena, levadura y sal. Reservar.
En otro bol, mezclar la zanahoria rallada, el zumo de naranja y la piel de naranja. Puedes triturar un poco estos 3 ingredientes para conseguir una consistencia más suave (si la zanahoria rallada es gruesa entonces recomiendo triturar, pero no llegar al punto líquido, sino al menos para rebajar el tamaño de la zanahoria rallada)
En otro bol, batir los huevos con el aceite de coco, el azúcar de coco y el eritritol hasta que quede bien combinado.
Añadir el jengibre en polvo y la cúrcuma en polvo y mezclar de nuevo.
Añadir la mezcla de la zanahoria rallada y mezclar de nuevo.
Ahora añadir la mezcla de ingredientes secos del paso 2 y mezclar todo bien.
Verter la masa en el molde y hornear durante 45 minutos.
Dejar que se enfríe en el molde y servir!
* Conservar en un recipiente hermético a temperatura ambiente o congelar.
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