Last week I posted a new recipe for Blueberry Lemon Muffins and my intention was to to a Raspberry version not a Blueberry but I ran out of raspberries so I had to go with blueberries… And yeah, this week I bought raspberries and wanted to try the same recipe to see which one I prefer the most! There is also a step by step video on it so you can watch!

raspberry lemon bundt cake
raspberry lemon bundt cake


One of the good things about this healthy lemon raspberry yogurt muffin recipe is that you can have it when your blood sugar levels are about to drop, before and to avoid having a hypoglycemia.

The reason is, these healthy snack contains a bit more of a carbohydrate content (just a little bit more) than my usual healthy recipes and that is because of the brown rice flour.

However, that doesn’t mean a diabetic cannot enjoy a food that contains a little bit more of a carbohydrate content when needed. I always like to remember to all diabetics that read this blog that we can all enjoy the same type of foods as a non-diabetic person, just with more moderation and in specific situations.

I hope you love this healthy recipe and I personally would love to know how it turns out when you try it so we can keep improving our content for all of you and living deliciously!

halthy bundt cake
raspberry lemon bundt cake


  • 1 cup or 95gr almond flour

  • 1 cup or 115gr brown rice flour (you can make all with brown rice flour if you don’t have almond flour)

  • 1 tablespoon baking powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt

  • 1 whole egg

  • 1 cup or 140gr coconut sugar (any sugar works)

  • 1 lemon, completely zested

  • 1/4 cup or 40gr unsalted butter, melted

  • 1 cup or 200gr greek/natural yogurt

  • 1 cup fresh raspberries


  • Juice of one lemon

  • pinch of powdered erythritol

  • optional: 1 tablespoon of cream or milk


  1. Preheat the oven 350F/175C. Grease a 6 mini bundt cakes pan. Set aside. (you can also make this recipe in muffin shapes like HERE.

  2. In a bowl, whisk together the flours, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.

  3. In a another bowl, stir together the egg and coconut sugar until it forms a paste. Add half of the lemon zest, or at least a teaspoon. Add the melted butter and stir to combine. Add the greek yogurt stirring until just combined.

  4. Add the flour mixture and stir until fully combined.

  5. Fold raspberries into the batter. Mix until they are incorporated, but don’t overdo it.

  6. Spoon the batter into the greased mini bundt cakes pan. You want about 4 tablespoons of batter per bundt cake or 3 ice cream scoops.

  7. Bake for 22-25 minutes, or until lightly golden, and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let set for a few minutes, then transfer to a wire rack and let cool for 5-10 minutes.

  8. While the bundt cakes are setting up and cooking, make the glaze. In a small bowl combine the erythritol with the lemon juice. Additionally and optionaly you can add the cream or milk and mix well.

  9. Pour on top of each bundt cake liberally and let ir cool.

* Store in an air tight container at room temperature for 1 week. You can also freeze them!

Did you make this recipe?

Please let me know how it turned out for you! Leave a comment below and share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #yourdailynutrients and send me a DM so I can see you and share!

Thanks so much!

🇪🇸 Spanish:

El otro día hice una publicación de esta deliciosa receta de Muffins de Arándanos. Mi idea principal era hacer muffins de limón con frambuesas pero me quedé sin y tube que usar arándanos. Así que he querido hacer la versión con frambuesas en forma de mini bundt cakes y de paso he cambiado el glaseado.

Estos deliciosos mini bundt cakes de limón, frambuesas y yogur están deliciosos! No llevan gluten, ni azúcares refinados y tenéis la opción de hacerlos sin lácteos también!

Tenéis video receta en esta publicación para que os sea más fácil visualizar todos los pasos!


  • 1 taza o 95gr harina de almendra

  • 1 taza o 115gr harina de arroz integral (podéis hacer toda la receta con harina de arroz integral si no tenéis harina de almendra)

  • 1 cucharada levadura en polvo

  • 1/2 cucharadita de sal rosa del Himalaya

  • 1 huevo entero

  • 1 taza o 140gr azúcar de coco (cualquier azúcar vale)

  • Ralladura de 1 limón

  • 1/4 taza o 40gr de mantequilla de vacas de pasto o aceite de coco

  • 1 taza o 200gr de yogur natural

  • 1 taza de frambuesas frescas


  • Zumo de un limón

  • Pizca de eritritol en polvo

  • Opcional: 1 cucharada de nata o leche o bebida vegetal


  1. Precalentar el horno a 175C. Engrasar un molde para mini bundt cakes. Reservar. (podéis hacerlos en forma de muffins, como en esta receta.

  2. En un bol, mezclar las harinas, levadura y sal. Reservar.

  3. En otro bol, mezclar el huevo y el azúcar de coco hasta formar una pasta que luego se hace más líquida (ver video de esta publicación). Añadir la mitad de la ralladura de limón, o al menos una cucharadita. Añadir la mantequilla derretida y mezclar bien. Añadir el yogur griego y mezclar hasta que quede bien integrado.

  4. Añadir la mezcla de harinas y mezclar todo hasta que esté completamente combinado.

  5. Añadir las frambuesas en la masa. Mezclar hasta que se incorporen, pero no demasiado.

  6. Colocar la masa en los moldes para mini bundt cakes. Aproximadamente 4 cucharadas de masa por muffin o 3 bolas de helado (si usáis cuchara de helado como yo).

  7. Hornear durante 22-25 minutos, o hasta que estén ligeramente dorados, y un palillo insertado en el centro salga limpio. Dejar reposar durante unos minutos, luego transferir a una rejilla y dejar enfriar durante 5-10 minutos.

  8. Mientras los bundt cakes se hornean, preparar el glaseado. En un bol pequeño, combinar el zumo de limón con el eritritol. Como opción podéis añadir la nata o leche o bebida vegetal y mezclar bien. Lo hará menos amargo. Quedará muy líquido pero es la intención, sólo para darle el toque final!

  9. Verter el glaseado por encima de cada bundt cake (ver video de esta publicación). Dejar que se enfríen un poco y devorar!

* Conservar en un recipiente hermético a temperatura ambiente o congelar.

! ! ! D I S F R U T A D L O ! ! !

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¡Mil gracias!

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Hello Food Lovers!We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

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We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.

To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

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