Hello 2020!
With the new year, most of us will intend to eat healthier and exercise more. That’s a great start of the year, so in order to make it easier to stay on track, Your Daily Nutrients has the solution to your healthy desserts and snack options!
This easy, 4-ingredient hazelnut butter infused with chocolate protein powder and lightly sweetened with yacon syrup is delicious! It’s gluten free, refined sugar free, dairy free and vegan!
This healthy protein chocolate butter is a nutrient-packed spread that's perfect on toast, pancakes, yogurt, and more!
This healthy protein hazelnut spread is a great option to add to your snacks. The good thing is it has protein content and it’s low sugar! It is sweetened with stevia from the protein powder and I added a couple of tablespoons of yacon syrup (Click HERE to read the post about all you need to know about yacon syrup)
So thanks to the healthy fats from the hazelnuts and cacao, this healthy snack won’t spike your sugar levels! Keep always in mind to have your sugar levels stable anytime you are about to eat anything! Yes, any food, doesn’t matter if it’s savoury or sweet.
Let us know if you try it, we would love to hear from you!!
7oz/200gr of roasted hazelnuts
2 scoops or 60gr of chocolate protein (this is optional)
2 tablespoons of yacon syrup
1/4 cup or 20gr of unsweetened cacao powder 100%
1/4 cup or 60ml of hazelnut or almond milk
Roast raw hazelnuts at 400F/205C for 15 minutes.
Take the skin off the roasted hazelnuts and blend them in a food processor until creamy, pausing to scrape down the sides as necessary.
Add the rest of the ingredients and blend again until fully incorporated.
Let it cool at room temperature and transfer the mixture to a jar. Store in the refrigerator.
* Store in an air tight container at room temperature or the fridge for 1 month.
! ! ! E N J O Y ! ! !
🇪🇸 Spanish:
Crema de avellanas proteica vamos que es como una nocilla/nutella pero en versión nutritiva, sin gluten, sin azúcares refinados ni lácteos! Endulzado con sirope de yacón!
200gr de avellanas tostadas
2 scoops o 60gr de proteína de chocolate en polvo (podéis omitir si no queréis más contenido proteico)
2 cucharadas de sirope de yacón o miel
1/4 taza o 20gr de cacao 100% puro en polvo
1/4 taza o 60ml de leche de avellanas o almendras
Tostar las avellanas crudas en el horno a 205C durante 15 minutos.
Una vez tostadas, sacarles la piel (se saldrá casi sola) y triturarlas en un procesador de alimentos o trituradora de mano hasta que quede cremoso.
Añadir el resto de ingredientes y volver a triturar todo hasta que quede bien integrado y cremoso.
Dejar que se enfríe y guardar en un recipiente de cristal en la nevera.
* Conservar en un recipiente hermético a temperatura ambiente o en la nevera durante 1 mes.
! ! ! D I S F R U T A D L O ! ! !
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