Hello healthy dessert lovers!

Today I want to share these delicious and healthy kiwi and flaxseed cupcakes, they are delicious!!!
Of course, they are naturally gluten free, dairy free and refined sugar free! You should definitely give them a try!!

healthy kiwi cupcakes

I made these cupcakes with less flour and less oil, with kiwi and flaxseed instead! The kiwi little black seeds make the cupcakes very crunchy on the inside!

It’s Kiwi season, and what’s better than also be able to eat kiwi in a cupcake shape?

KIWI is full of nutrients like Vitamins C, K, E, folate, potassium and fiber!
FLAX SEEDS are a great source of omega 3 fats and fiber!

So these healthy kiwi cupcakes are in the superfood group!

healthy kiwi cupcakes


One of the good things about this healthy kiwi cupcake recipe is that you can have it when your blood sugar levels are about to drop, before and to avoid having a hypoglycemia.

The reason is, this healthy snack contains a bit more of a carbohydrate content (just a little bit more) than my usual healthy recipes and that is because of the brown rice flour.

However, that doesn’t mean a diabetic cannot enjoy a food that contains a little bit more of a carbohydrate content when needed. I always like to remember to all diabetics that read this blog that we can all enjoy the same type of foods as a non-diabetic person, just with more moderation and in specific situations.

I hope you love this healthy recipe and I personally would love to know how it turns out when you try it so we can keep improving our content for all of you and living deliciously!

Thanks and I will see you on the next post!

kiwi cupcakes


  • 1 cup or 115gr of brown rice flour

  • 1/2 cup or 50gr of flaxseed meal (blended flax seeds)

  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

  • 1/4 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt

  • 1/2 cup or 70gr of coconut sugar

  • 2 organic eggs

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

  • 1 kiwi and a half (save the other half for the buttercream)

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil


  1. Preheat oven to 350F/175C and line a muffin tin with liners or grease with coconut oil.

  2. In a food processor or a hand mixer, blend 1 kiwi and a half and set aside.

  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, vanilla, kiwi blend and melted coconut oil.

  4. In a separate bowl, mix the coconut sugar, rice flour, flaxseed meal, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt until evenly combined.

  5. Mix everything together until fully incorporated.

  6. Add batter to the muffin tin (you should fill about 3/4 way).

  7. Bake for 20 minutes and allow to cool before frosting.

    * Once cooled, add the desired frosting on top! I tried to make a frosting with yogurt and kiwi but I didn’t have the result I was expecting, so I will keep trying other forstings! I am sure a buttercream, cream cheese frosting or coconut frosting (for a dairy free option, like this coconut frosting) would absolutely work perfect with this combo!

* Store in an air tight container at room temperature for 1 week. You can also freeze them!

! ! ! E N J O Y ! ! !

🇪🇸 Spanish:

Deliciosos y saludables cupcakes de kiwi y semillas de lino!

Las semillas negras del kiwi le dan un toque crujiente!! Deberíais probar de hacerlos! No llevan gluten, ni lácteos ni azúcares refinados!!


  • 1 taza o 115gr de harina de arroz integral

  • 1/2 taza o 50gr de semillas de lino trituradas

  • 1 cucharadita de canela en polvo

  • 1 cucharadita de levadura en polvo

  • 1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato sódico

  • 1/4 cucharadita de sal rosa del Himalaya

  • 1/2 taza o 70gr de azúcar de coco

  • 2 huevos ecológicos

  • 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla

  • 1 kiwi y medio (guardar la otra mitad para hacer el frosting)

  • 2 cucharadas de aceite de coco


    1. Pre calentar el horno a 175C y colocar los papeles para cupcakes en una bandeja para cupcakes o engrasar con aceite de coco.

    2. En un procesador de alimentos o trituradora, triturar el kiwi y medio.

    3. En un bol, batir los huevos, vainilla, kiwis triturados y aceite de coco derretido. Reservar.

    4. En otro bol, mezclar el azúcar de coco, la harina de arroz, las semillas de lino, canela, levadura, sal y bicarbonato sódico.

    5. Mezclar todo hasta que quede bien integrado.

    6. Añadir la masa en cada uno de los huecos para los cupcakes, unos 3/4 del hueco solamente.

    7. Hornear durante 20 minutos. Dejar que se enfríen por completo antes de añadir el frosting.

    * Una vez enfriados los cupcakes, podéis añadir el frosting que queráis. Yo he intentado hacer uno de yogur y kiwi pero claramente no ha quedado como debería!! Estoy segura que el clásico frosting de mantequilla o queso crema quedaría super bien en estos deliciosos y saludables cupcakes de kiwi! También un frosting de coco quedará super rico si queréis una opción sin lácteos (como este frosting de coco de aquí)

* Conservar en un recipiente hermético a temperatura ambiente durante una semana. También podéis congelarlos!

! ! ! D I S F R U T A D L O ! ! !

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Hello Food Lovers!We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

Hello Food Lovers!

We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.

To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

Follow us on Instagram to get the latest content on healthy baking and recipes!